Spring Boot Project using Kafka and R2DBC (Part III )

Gabriel Martins
1 min readApr 23, 2021


Now, we can create the entities classes, repositories and persistence adapters for the application.

Entity Classes

The PersonEntity class:

The GenderData enum:

The MeasurementEntity class:

As you can see, there is an id for MeasurementEntity instead of a composite key. This was a workaround because the R2DBC doesn’t yet support composite key.

The MeasurementTypeData enum:

The MeasurementClassificationData enum:

Mapper Classes

We need classes to map database information to domain classes and vice-versa, so we can create mapper classes and for that we will use the ModelMapper framework:

The PersonPersistenceMapper will be something like that:

The MeasurementPersistenceMapper will be something like that:


Now, let’s create the repositories:

The PersonRepository interface:

The MeasurementRepository interface:

Service Classes

We could use repositories directly in adapter classes, but I think would be better to isolate these classes using an intermediate service layer like the following example:

The SavePersonPersistenceService class:

The SaveMeasurementService class:

Adapter Classes

Finally, we are able to create the persistence adapters that will implement the ports:

The SavePersonPersistenceAdapter:

And SaveMeasurementPersistenceAdapter:

SQL Scripts

If you want to write unit tests for R2DC you can follow these instructions:

First of all, we need to create a DDL script because R2DB isn’t able to generate schemas automatically.

The schema.sql file:

And the data.sql file:

After that, just create a configuration class in test folder classes:

Related Links

Previous Tutorial: Tutorial Part II

Next Tutorial: Tutorial Part IV



Gabriel Martins

Just a brazilian guy who loves technology and wants to share the experiences he has learned