Spring Boot Project using Kafka and R2DBC (Part II)

Gabriel Martins
1 min readApr 23, 2021

Now we already have our project set up, so we are able to start coding.

The packages will be organized as the following image:

Project Structure

Some ideas were inspired by this excellent book: Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture

Domain Classes

The Person class:

The Gender enum:

The Measurement class:

The MeasurementType enum:

The MeasurementClassification enum:

Customized Annotations (Optional)

In order to become the code more expressive we can create the following annotations instead of standard Spring annotations (such as @Service, @Component and others):

For Messaging Adapters:

For Persistence Adapters:

For Use Cases:

For Web Adapters:

So Spring will inject components for us and we can use custom annotations.

UseCases, Ports and Business Logic

Finally, let’s create the in/out ports and business logic for the application.

About Person resource:

Port In (UseCase):

And the implementation:

Port Out (To Be Implemented):

About Measurement resource:

Port In (UseCase):

And the implementation:

Port Out (To Be Implemented):

We will need to process the collected measurement, so let’s create a use case for that:

And the implementation:

You can see more details on GitHub: https://github.com/gabrielsmartins/health-service

Related Links

Previous Tutorial: Tutorial Part I

Next Tutorial: Tutorial Part III



Gabriel Martins

Just a brazilian guy who loves technology and wants to share the experiences he has learned